- "hubby" -- vomit!! you are not a five year old girl playing house!
- "ATX" -- Just say Austin. You do not say "DTX" for Dallas or "HTX" for Houston or "EPTX for El Paso, for God's sakes. Saying "ATX" sounds stupid and makes you sound like you're trying too hard to be cool. Just stop it!
- "bahaha" -- seriously, who started this? And why does everyone like it? Since when does a simple "haha" not suffice? I can even live with "lol," just please drop that superfluous b!
- "epic fail," in fact also "epic" or "fail" by themselves (unless you are talking about an "epic" movie or that you "failed" a test) -- I have no words for this one. But if you have such a limited vocabulary that you can't think of any other way to describe something that didn't work, I can't help you. Look at that, I did have words.
- when people change "the" to "da," etc. -- I'm sorry, are you a rapper?
- when people eliminate vowels, e.g. "ws" for "was" -- Really? How much time does that save?
- When people misspell words on purpose (I'm not talking about abbreviating here), e.g. "summ" instead of "some" -- again, really? why?
- wth -- We all know you mean "wtf." So just say it.
As you can probably tell, most of these are on Facebook. And to think of a complete list, all I had to do was look at my news feed and take a random sample. Sad. I'm sure there are more, but these are the main offenders. And these are mostly my personal annoyances and not meant to single anyone out or offend anyone who uses these horrendous terms. Although I'm sure you agree with at least a couple of them. If you don't, we can't be friends anymore. I kid.