I want to start off by saying that I plan on continuing my stories from school. That's a project I intend to see through (who knows what that means), but today I have something else on my mind.
About a year or so ago, I read an article on Huffington Post or somewhere about HSPs (highly sensitive people). I immediately identified with everything they said: feeling feelings more intensely than other people, reflecting on things more than other people, worrying about how other people feel, being overwhelmed in chaotic environments, the list goes on. That's me.
Most of the time, I like these qualities about myself. I like that I experience the world more deeply, I like that I have a high level of empathy, and I like that I'm intuitive and I try to really think things out. Most of the time, I find the high sensitivity to be a positive attribute. But lately, I have been feeling hyper sensitive to the point of hyper anxiety.
I have sort of on and off in my life had fears that everyone hates me, that I'm doing things wrong, that I've reacted poorly in a situation. These are all back in full force. I've often heard, "why are you so sensitive?" or "don't take it so personally" and almost every time, I didn't realize that I was. My initial reaction in those types of situations is to feel a sting, and then to feel worse, because I'm still doing it wrong by being too "sensitive."
I'm not even sure the above paragraph made sense.
Anyway, I bring all of this up to say that lately I've been thinking I've lost my confidence (a lot of this is work related.... and health/weight related) and I'm trying hard to get it back. I feel like everything I do makes me appear desperate or insecure, and I'm not. I generally like myself, and I'm ok with who I am. Proud of it, even. Why have I been acting like I have no self esteem? Why do I always feel like I have to apologize for something? I get hung up on these little things that for some reason seem like the end of the world at the time. Now I've done it, I'll think. How could I have been so stupid? So careless?
I know I need to let this stuff go. But how do I train myself to do that?
It's no fun to be around somebody when you feel like you have to walk on eggshells. I'm afraid I'm becoming that person. I'm afraid those closest to me will be afraid to speak freely because I'll get my feelings hurt. I'm afraid I'm driving a wedge there by acting distant and wounded and even gloomy with the weight of this thing I just can't shake. I just want to be me. In fact, I just want to be. It sounds so nice to just not worry about any of this, or to not worry at all.
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