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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

trying not to borrow trouble

I've been at the job search for a grand total of three days (not including the weekend).

I've gotten more response than I thought I would at this point (which is kind of cool because it's like I'm a real career person now, not just some college grad begging for a job, any job), but I am still worried/stressed out. Sort of. I have a phone interview tomorrow with a company in Houston that publishes online community newspapers in areas all over the city. It seems really cool and right up my alley. What worries me about it (other than being nervous about the interview itself) is what the salary/benefits will be. They weren't posted on the job ad. That's not such a big deal; I didn't know what my current salary would be when I was going through the interview process and it turned out ok. But now I have to make a certain amount of money (not a lot but you'd be surprised how low journalism jobs can pay) and I have, have, have to have benefits. As in medical insurance.

I'm just nervous that I'm not going to be able to find a job with what I need. And that no one will hire me. I think it's good for me to express these fears now, before my first interview, so that they're out of my system and I can focus on convincing these people that I'm who they want.

The other thing that's stressing me out about the search process, though—other than my growing anxiousness about moving back to civilization—is that all of my response so far has been in the Houston area. That's fine, I wanted to go either there or to Dallas/Fort Worth, but just as I'm beginning to get a real chance to move there (maybe—don't want to jinx it!), most of my family that lives there might be moving to Austin. A major reason I wanted to be in either of those two areas was so that I would be close to family and not stuck out somewhere by myself again. I'm tired of being the one who has to travel 4+ hours. I do like the Houston area though. Although I don't know what it's like not to have family there. It'd be so weird to be there without them. But there's no reason for me to borrow trouble. If I find the right job for me and it's in Houston, I'll still go. After all, there is difference between being family-less in BFE and being family-less in a very large city full of young single people like myself. And I wouldn't be totally family-less anyway. I have a couple of cousins, an uncle, and two very close friends who, as far as I know, have no plans to go anywhere.

If I'm being totally honest, where I'd really like to move is Fort Worth. But I haven't found any jobs there, at least not yet. I do need to remember that I've just begun looking.

Right now, I'm just trying to channel confidence. Cool, collected, poised, articulate confidence.


Pretty In Pixels said...

Oh my lordy lands, I cannot begin to express to you how unhinged I am about this upset in my life flow! Common sense would dictate, that we won't be going anywhere. Unfortunately, large corporations seldom employ common sense. We'll have to see. But you, my dear, will be just fine. Watch and see.

staylor85 said...

I know you must be going crazy! My fingers are crossed for you.