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Sunday, August 12, 2012

just a run-of-the-mill update

Well, it's Sunday, and you know what that means. Update time. And it's pouring down rain outside, so I'm perfectly content to hole up in my apartment and play on the computer. I love rainy weekends.

It's been a rather enlightening week for me. Time is really starting to fly, and I hope that continues. I've pretty much made my peace with being here, but it is not easy. Anyway, it's exactly 2 weeks until my 27th birthday. I don't think 27 is old, but it's still hard to believe I'm in my late 20s. But enough age talk. I have 3 more years before I really have to freak out.

I've also been (lately, not just this week) realizing how much I want to keep teaching (and traveling, but we'll get to that). It's funny how this year was supposed to be something I had to get through to save money to become something else and I ended up finding what I really want to do. Yeah, I tried this road 3 years ago and it didn't work out, but I think I just wasn't ready then. I'm 2 weeks away from my halfway point for this year, and I've thought several times during the past 6 months that I regretted coming back. It hasn't been an easy road (in so many ways I could never have imagined beforehand), and it definitely hasn't been the magical foreign experience everyone imagines before they do something like this, but it has definitely been worth it - just not in the ways I thought it would be.

So anyway, I've been throwing myself into work and allowing myself to let go and enjoy it. This is a really significant a-ha moment for me after so many years of trying things out and so many failed attempts and so much soul searching. How typical for me to give into something I fought so hard against for so long, something I thought I couldn't do.

I guess I don't have much exciting news to report this week. It was a long, tiring week back to work after vacation, but it went pretty well. I definitely think my kindergarten experience ends after this year. I still don't have any friends in Daejeon, but I guess that's just the way it is. Luckily I am independent by nature.

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