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Friday, September 9, 2011

don't take feminist, or well, any lessons from Lady Gaga

I read TWO Lady Gaga quotes in the past week that really irked me.

Let me first say that I was a fan of her music and unbothered by her style probably until the song "Alejandro" came out. And even that one was okay.

Now, not only is she obviously trying to outdo herself while being the mascot for homosexuality (and you all know I am all for gay rights), but her new music sucks. It sounds like something that should've been left in the 80s. I could deal with her giving birth to herself in her videos and wearing meat dresses (although I also learned this week that that wasn't actually an original idea; Madonna or somebody had done it before... not sure why I read so much Gaga news this week) if her music was good. But it isn't. I'm afraid the sun has set on my day as a Gaga fan. And in the 2011 Britney v. Gaga war (they both had new albums come out this year), Britney is totally kicking Gaga's ass. Just saying. It's Britney, bitch. Now and forever. (I'm pretty sure I'm only a Britney fan because her heyday began when I was 13, a very defining age for one's tastes in pop culture... but nevertheless, I'm unashamed to say I'm a fan... not like I'm a fan of Jimmy Eat World or Death Cab, but still a fan).

So, Gaga's asinine comments were these: "I'm not a feminist...I love men." NEWSFLASH, Gaga, maybe do a little research: Feminism and man-loving are not mutually exclusive. You can be a heterosexual feminist. You can be a feminist and have male friends. See this article, where the lovely Cezanne Colvin explains the whole issue. But if you've ever studied feminism, you know what it's about and what it's not about, and I don't need to get on my feminist soapbox right now. But rest assured, I am a feminist. Just like Tina (see previous post).

The second Gaga-ism was this: Lady Gaga was telling someone at omg! (on Yahoo) about how she stays in such good shape and she was saying how she works out and eats really healthy (duh) and then she actually said, "My work feeds me." Any inkling of fanship toward Lady Gaga left my body upon reading those words. I went, "did she really just say that? Who SAYS that?" I hope I don't need to explain how cliche and just...ick that statement was.

We're done, Gaga. I am an avid supporter of the arts and free speech and the unexpected, etc., etc. But I don't think art is what you are. You are nothing more than a character. I don't buy that any of your "work" comes from any place other than trying to stay famous.

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