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Sunday, March 11, 2012

just an update, nothing major

I'm sitting here playing on the internet and listening to somewhat melancholy music. I've always been a fan of depressing music; it makes me happy. Okay, maybe not happy, but I like to sort of lose myself in it. Is there really any better form of expression? Even those of us who are not musically inclined (as my classes full of Korean kids who have heard me sing the cheesy songs in their textbooks can attest to) can be taken to higher level of existence through music. And the depressing stuff brings out the best in the artists.

Anyway. Another good weekend. A weekend filled with food, alcohol and new friends. Walking the streets of Daejeon. Shopping in stores made for tiny Asian women. Meeting people from all kinds of places. Introducing my new British friends to margaritas. Introducing myself to a soju and margarita hangover on Saturday morning. Practicing my new Korean reading skills.

There are some exciting things coming up in the next couple of months. The organization where I take Korean class is hosting a trip to Jeonju, a traditional Korean town, at the end of the month, as well as a hiking/tree planting trip in April. I'm going to sign up for a 10K run in Gyeongju, where the cherry blossoms are supposed to be phenomenal. I also plan on signing up for a DMZ tour, but I may have missed the window for that one. Another one will come along. In the next couple of weeks, I'm going to head up to Seoul to see my dear friend Brandy from home. I feel like life here has been extremely busy so far, but I like it. I feel like I'm actually a part of life here rather than watching it from the outside, which I have felt too many times before. Of course I'm still in the adjustment period, but I'm pretty pleased with how everything is going.

There are times when I feel pangs for home, but I know that if I were at home, I would wish I were here. And there are times when I wake up in the morning surprised/scared to be in Korea, but the fear passes relatively quickly and I just go on. I remember what I am proving to myself and how lucky I am to be able to experience all of this.

I wish I had more interesting and intelligent things to say at the moment, but I'm at a loss.

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