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Thursday, August 26, 2010

happy birthday to me...

So, 25. I really can't believe I'm 25. Not that I think it's that old because I really don't, but it's just a surreal milestone. Knowing that my early 20s are over and it's already been four years since I turned 21 is just crazy. In some ways, however, I can believe it. So damn much has happened in the past few years that I can definitely believe I've reached 25. But it has gone by pretty fucking fast. And it seems like a slippery slope from here. I don't mean that in a negative way, but if I think about how far away 25 felt when I turned 20, it did eventually get here. And kind of soon, even. That just reinforces that 30 will be here someday, then 35, 40, etc. But there's no use worrying about that. Who cares? I resolve to be happy and live life to the fullest (as cheesy as that sounds) at any age. And living life to the fullest I think means different things at different stages in life. Living life to the fullest to me now means something totally different to me now than it did at 21. For example, part of living life to the fullest is throwing myself into my job and doing my best, not sleepwalking through it because I'm hungover.

This is the best place I've been in my life in several years. Most stable, anyway. Maybe that's because your frontal lobe is supposedly fully developed by the time you turn 25. Who really knows?

It's been really nice to hear from old friends today. It makes me feel less alone in the somewhat isolated existence I lead. I can't say I have no regrets, but I'm definitely optimistic. I started my day this morning with my mom calling me (before my alarm went off) and singing "Happy Birthday" to me.

Now that I've gotten my bearings and celebrated an important milestone (because I'm sorry, even if I don't become legal to do something, 25 is still a milestone), I plan to throw myself into this new life chapter even more. That is all.

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